
Never really free

CONTROL: (Nominated for Oscar!) A brief, yet far-reaching, glimpse into the 2019 Hong Kong protests as demonstrations escalate into conflict.

Warriors of the wasteland

RECYCLING: The consumer-cultural detritus of the wealthy occident yields unexpected consequences in a very different part of the world.

Waxing Poetic

PROFILE: Theodore Ushev’s ‘The Physics of Sorrow’

Defaced honour

As a way of instilling shame, perpetrators throw acid at their victims. An extensive outreach program tries to raise awareness on the prevalence of acid attacks around the world. .

JESSICA YU: Don’t just eat your spinach

American filmmaker Jessica Yu won this year‘s Oscar for best documentary short for her film Breathing Lessons, on the physically handicapped poet and journalist Mark O'Brien. ULLA JACOBSEN met her at the Festivals of Festivals in Århus, Denmark.

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