

A hunt that occasionally takes on thriller-like proportions

The title refers to the individuals who have been indicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) but who are still at large

Film about the power and vitality of art

What a joyful visit to a cemetery! From the very beginning of this film, I felt at home in the universe that Heddy Honigmann creates among the dead and the living

FESTIVAL REPORT: Documentaries Return to Edinburgh

When the Edinburgh International Film Festival first began in 1947, it was a documentary event, opened by pioneering filmmaker John Grierson

DEBATE: Entrepreneurship versus Patient Observatio

We often like to celebrate the successes of documentaries like “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Super Size Me”, but is the success of these films a victory for the documentary or is it actually killing its essential quality?

SHORT DOCS: Real Stories from 3 to 40 Minutes

The short documentary is often constructed around a narrative quite different from the longer documentaries.

BALKAN DOCUMENTARIES: Facing a Brighter Future

Balkan documentaries are increasingly finding their way to the major doc festivals and international TV, and they are more creative, inspiring and engaging than ever.

Generation clash between old and new Sweden

A substitute teacher working in the suburbs of Stockholm finds himself increasingly disillusioned about his job. He calls his mentor, a 75-year-old veteran, who travels to Stockholm. Together they try to make a difference in the student’s lives.

Glimpse into the world of off-shore call centres

Screened at the Melbourne International Film Festival 2006, “Bombay Calling" is set within the claustrophobic world of a busy call centre in Mumbai, India

CANNES FILM FEST 2006: Few Docs on the Croisette

Although the Cannes Film Festival is really a fiction film festival, DOX went to find out which documentaries had managed to sneak into this prestigious festival after all.