DokuFest, the esteemed documentary film festival in Prizren, presents 16 remarkable films curated by the Doc Alliance Festival Network, an alliance of seven leading European documentary film festivals. This year, DokuFest has been invited as a guest festival and contribute its nominations to the Doc Alliance Award, which recognises emerging filmmakers for their vitality and originality.
The Doc Alliance Award competition features one short film and one feature-length film nominated by the programmers and artistic directors of each festival within the network, including CPH:DOX, Doclisboa, DOK Leipzig, , FIDMarseille, Ji.hlava IDFF, Millennium Docs Against Gravity FF, and Visions du Réel. A distinguished jury comprising top European journalists and film professionals will select the winners in both categories.
Among the notable Best Feature nominees to be screened are Christina (Serbia) directed by Nikola Spasic, Death of a City (Portugal) directed by João Rosas, and ‘Disturbed Earth‘ (Bosnia and Herzegovina/North Macedonia/Spain), directed by Kumjana Novakova and Guillermo Carreras-Candi, and Polish Prayers, directed by Hanka Nobis. The Best Short nominees include Adjusting (Serbia) directed by Dejan Petrović, Darkroom (Turkey) directed by Asli Baykal, and waking up in silence (Germany/Ukraine) directed by Mila Zhluktenko and Daniel Asadi Faezi, among others.
The winners of the Doc Alliance Award will be announced during the 22nd edition of DokuFest in Prizren. Join us for an extraordinary cinematic experience as we celebrate the finest works in documentary and short filmmaking. Stay tuned for more updates on this eagerly anticipated event.