The International Festival of Film and Digital Humanities (FIFDH) has announced its Impact Days program for 2025, designed to bolster the social impact of documentary films. The initiative will feature several key components between January and March 2025.
The program begins with an online Impact Lab in January for directors of selected international projects. It is followed by an Impact Workshop and an Impact Meet in Geneva in February. The Impact Workshop will cater to NGOs and international organisations, while the Impact Meet will focus on philanthropists.
March will culminate in the FIFDH Festival, bringing together filmmakers, impact producers, NGOs, and philanthropists for three days of activities. These include a public pitch session, case studies, discussions with impact production experts, and networking opportunities.
The call for documentary projects is now open. Twenty-eight projects will be selected in 2025. Each chosen project will receive several weeks of mentorship from expert tutors to craft a robust impact campaign. At the FIFDH Festival, teams will connect with potential impact partners.
Eligible projects include non-fiction films over 52 minutes in length, either in production, post-production, or recently completed. A trailer or excerpts are required; only one project per company or filmmaker can be submitted. Selected teams will gain training in impact strategy, public pitch presentation, and partner identification.
Participation costs include free registration and an accreditation fee of CHF 180 per team member. The Impact Days will cover accommodation for up to two participants per film, while travel expenses remain the responsibility of participants. The deadline for submissions is 4 October 2024.
Find more information and submit – HERE